To take part in a stage race, it's essential to manage your effort precisely over several days. This plan takes account of this requirement with specific sessions:
Fundamental endurance: working in zone 2 (75-82% of maximum heart rate) helps to strengthen aerobic endurance while encouraging active recovery. This helps to sustain prolonged efforts without excessive accumulation of fatigue.
VMA and PMA: interval sessions develop the ability to sustain intense efforts, which is essential in a stage race. These sessions help to optimise maximum aerobic speed (MAS) and maximum aerobic power (MAW), key factors in sustaining the more intense segments.
Mental resilience: these sessions aren't just about improving physical capacity, they're also designed to prepare you mentally to cope with fatigue and sustained effort. Mental resilience is crucial to maintaining motivation and overcoming moments of doubt.
Find all the advice and the 12-week training plan for a stage race in the desert by clicking here. here
To find out more about Matthieu or find out more about his work, visit his website and his Instagram page matthieu_training.