Par Monts et merveilles: ultra trail running for women

Par Monts et merveilles : l'ultra trail au féminin

In the world of trail running, the ultra trail stands out as the ultimate challenge, requiring not only physical endurance, but also mental strength and determination. Amidst this world of passionate athletes, one woman emerges who embraces the ultra trail not just as a competition, but as an infinite source of pleasure, discovery and sharing. In this article, we take a look at the journey of a daring, determined woman who constantly pushes her limits on the trails.

Patrizia, aka Patty, is a trail enthusiast who has chosen to challenge herself in the demanding world of ultra trail running. A Raidlight ambassador since 2021, Patty lives in the Monts d'Or, near Lyon. It all began in 2019, when a friend suggested she take up the challenge of running the legendary Paris Marathon. She was used to Spartan Races and Crossfit, but running and all the associated jargon weren't really part of her daily routine. So she decided to enlist the help of a coach to accompany her during her 3 months of preparation. She discovered a whole new world, and the more kilometres she clocked up, the more the magic of running took hold. Despite the apprehension of her first training session and the sessions that lay ahead, Patty managed to complete the 42km195 in 4 hours 10 minutes. This was followed by a series of natural races until she caught the trail running bug.

"Thanks to trail running and ultra trail running, I feel all-powerful".

The mountain trails and forests of the Monts d'Or, which she now knows by heart, quickly became her playground. Far from the constraints and pressure, Patty finds total freedom in trail running and ultra trail running. Like a bubble of oxygen, each outing becomes a moment of real pleasure and sharing.

Each race is a new journey to meet herself, a way of discovering herself.

Patrizia has taken up ultra trail running, a discipline that demands exceptional endurance and unflagging mental strength. Her sporting career is a testament to her perseverance and determination, illustrating how she gradually increased her distances and took on increasingly difficult challenges.

Taking part in ultra trail races means tackling distances well beyond a classic marathon, often over mountainous terrain and in difficult weather conditions. Patty has risen to these challenges with unfailing determination. Emblematic races such as the SainteLyon, the LyonSainteLyon, the Lavaredo Ultra Trail by UTMB® (80km) and the Raidlight Desert Trophy are now an integral part of her list of achievements.

"You have to be daring, and if there's a misunderstanding, it can work!

Patty's philosophy is based on the idea that trail running and ultra trail running are not just for elite athletes. She firmly believes that everyone can find pleasure in the distance "everyone can do it, when you want to, you can, you just have to give yourself the means and dare. If you misunderstand, it can work."

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Bravo Patty ! Article intéressant. Donc tu es devenue Raid dingue du trail. Ma vitesse s’emoussant sur les courses bitume je vais sans doute un jour me consacrer aux trails. J’ai souffert à mon dernier trail de 36 km où j’ai mis 4h25, assez boueux, et je me demande comment j’ai pu en faire de 50, 60 et 89 km !

Gantz 09.05.2024

Encore mille bravos à toi, Patty ; je continue d’admirer tes exploits……continue 🎉

Françoise Ophélie 09.05.2024

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